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“Our company that cares about quality, customer service, and we strive for success like no other. We continue to reach out for the brightest star!”


“We roll out the red carpet for our clients with pride, gratify them with respect and dignity, then we provide our customers with a knock-out presentation of integrity. The clientele will never forget our royal treatment of excellence!”

A friendly smile
Greeting every customer
Professional Celebrity Concierges
Business Consultants and Coaches
Published Author
Team Leaders
The finest, first class Customer Service
Always striving for success
A positive mind-set
A winning image
A sense of humor
Excellent communicators and listeners  
A Compassionate heart
Respecting the clientele with dignity
Having passion and pride
Having fun with conversations
Customer satisfaction
Happy clientele
“Presentation is everything in the business world! It can make or break you; the difference between becoming successful and failing tremendously! You have to be creative, think outside the box, utilize your critical thinking skills­ and get your thinking cap on.” Team Dan The Man objective; always having a winning presentation to knock the customer’s socks right off their feet with a wow!
Our winning presentation starts with a positive smile of pride and passion. Team Dan The Man projects a positive mind-set, a winning image like no other, always with compassionate vibes, sincere positive communications with each customer, and providing them with excellent, upscale products with our award-winning customer service and presentation!
Our winning presentation includes a three-tier shelf. Here are Team Dan the Man’s successful tips:
  • Top shelf presents eight of the finest, high priced colognes that money can buy.
  • Middle shelf includes your over-the-counter products, such as your hair gels, hair spray (along with other popular hair accessories), antacids, mouthwash, body and deodorant spray, hand lotion, eye drops, and pain relievers.
  • Bottom shelf display’s tobacco products; cigarettes, e-cartridges, cigarillos, and the finest upscale, quality cigars.
  • Lighters, matches and a cigar cutter.
  • A display of candy, mints, gum and lollipops.
  • Air-Freshener spray, mint plackers, lent brush, Q-tips, rubber bands, baby powder, and combs.
  • A First-Aid kit in case of a minor emergency.
  • Professional two-sided Business cards; your company, headshot and contact information.
  • Thirty-gallon trash bags for dirty towels and a mesh bag for clean, folded hand towels.
  • A squirt of foaming soap or hand sanitizer on the palm of each customer’s hand.
  • A soft, white hand towel for each customer to dry their hands. (Always have 500-700 clean folded hand towels in your mesh bag)

  • A hamper for all of your customers dirty hand towels. (These towels to be washed in bleach)

  • A Business tablet to accept debit-credit cards, VENMO and CASH app.

  • Your professional credentials with a positive mind-set, sincere smile, great attitude, an open mind, sense of humor and a winning image of success.

  • We have a no drug policy.

  • No negativity allowed in our company!

 Your presentation should glow with a beautiful passion of love. Stand tall and be proud of your blueprint of success. A customer must see this instantly to recognize your presence as a winner. Your display is a stand-out-to-perfection image. There is no excuse for having a vibe of negativity. This is a high-profile customer service profession. Show your professional love with a great presentation; it should be of the highest standards.  Your customer will be proud of your vibe of excitement and enthusiasm. Never allow yourself to let the clientele leave with disappointment. Your great presentation is viewed by customers all over the world. Show pride, dignity and loyalty, you will be referred to the winner’s circle. Maintain your unique and glorious style of a winning presentation that no one will ever forget. They will tell others at the establishment the great experience of your positive exuberance and your out-of-this-world, standout presentation.  
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